Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

How to get support?

You can request support by several methods:

  • Before Logging in: On the sign in page there is a help link. Click on that and submit your questions.
  • If Logged in: Open the menu in the top left. Click on Help and Support to submit your question.
How to refresh browser

Whenever there is an upgrade, it is recommended to refresh your browser to make sure you have the latest versions of files.

Select any one of the options below depending on your browser type and device.



  1. Hold down CTRL + SHIFT + R
  2. Hold Down CTRL and click the Reload button
  3. Hold down CTRL and press F5
  4. Press F12 to open chrome dev tools then right click on refresh button. Choose Hard Reload.


  1. Hold SHIFT and click Reload button
  2. Hold CMD + SHIFT + R

Mozilla Firefox


  1. Hold CTRL and press F5
  2. Hold down CTRL + SHIFT + R


  1. Hold SHIFT and click Reload button
  2. Hold CMD + SHIFT + R

Internet Explorer

  1. Hold CTRL and press F5
  2. Hold CTRL and click refresh


How to print Eddies and Self Challenges

All of the infographic documents included in your training can be downloaded for your reference and for printing if you desire.

The downloaded documents will be in .pdf format which your computer should be able to be handled like any other .pdf documents.

However the format of the Beyond the EDGE Training infographics are structured in a way best suited for mobile displays and depending on your computer and printer setup may not print in a useable format.

Each downloaded Eddie or a Self Challenge is larger than a single page and in some cases are multiple page documents (with each ‘page’ being larger than a normal letter size page).  

By default your computer will likely attempt to print each page on a single letter size (8.5″ x 11″), resulting in a very small image as the print is scaled down to fit the page.  If this small format image is ok for you then no further action is required.

If you would like a larger image and you change your printer settings to 100% scale the document will be zoomed but will remain a single page and significant portions of the top and bottom of the Infographic documents will be cut off.  This will likely generate a non usable image.

To print the entire Infographic document at 100% scale on multiple pages requires the following steps:

  1. Open the pdf file using Adobe Acrobat software (free)
  2. in the Page Sizing and Handling click the “Poster” button.
  3. Set tile scale to 100%.
  4. Print.

You should see each page of the Infographic printed at 100% scale over multiple pages.

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